
  • ITiP (IT Industry Pathfinder)
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    We strive to analyze the transformative impact of new information technologies and study strategies for firms to thrive in volatile business environments

    #AI #Technology #Telecommunications
    Research Areas
    • Monitoring how the new information and communications technologies transform economic environments and the ways of doing business
    • Studying strategies for firms to successfully cope with challenges
    • Studying efficient ways of using spectrum
    • Developing AI tools to manage firms and economies efficiently
    lab 이미지01
  • 김륜희 교수님 연구실
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    수준 높은 재무 연구를 추구합니다

    #Corporate finance #AI #NLP #ESG
    Research Areas
    • Capital structure and cash holdings
    • Competition and customer-supplier relationships
    • International finance
    • AI textual analysis (NLP) in finance
    • Climate finance (ESG)
    Journals which lab people published so far
    • Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis(IF: 3.69)
    • Journal of International Business Studies(IF: 11.40)
    • European Accounting Review(IF: 3.30)
    • Finance Research Letters(IF: 8.26)
    • Journal of Multinational Financial Management(IF: 4.21)
    • Journal of International Money and Finance(IF:2.62)
  • iSPI (KAIST Innovation Strategy and Policy Institute)
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    Our vision is to become one of leading research organizations in innovation and entrepreneurship areas

    #Innovation #Strategy #Entrepreneurship
    Research Areas
    • Economics and Management of Emerging Innovation

      We characterize the emerging innovation that is generally called digitization or the 4th industrial revolution (including AI, mobility, hyper-connectedness) and understands their effects on the firm, the market, and industry.

    • Entrepreneurship Strategy and Policy

      We explore how entrepreneurship evolves with the changing nature of innovation, and the consequences of these changes for entrepreneurship strategy and policy

    lab 이미지03
  • Prof. Jihee Kim’s Economics Research Group
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    My research group studies how economic outcomes are distributed across individuals and regions. We approach our research questions from a new and unique perspective, employing a diverse set of methodologies such as theoretical economic modeling, empirical economic analysis, machine learning, lab and survey experiments.

    #Economic Growth #Inequality #Big Data #Machine Learning #Experimental Economics #Economic Policy
    Research Areas
    • Economic Research
      • Economic growth theory and macroeconomics
        • The role of technological progress in economic growth and economic inequality
      • Survey experiments with social and policy implications
        • What determines labor market responses to generative AI
        • The effect of information nudge on charitable giving
        • The effect of information nudge of preferences for redistribution
    • Interdisciplinary
      • Economics + Machine learning : spatial economic measurement using machine learning and satellite imagery, in collaboration with computer scientists and geographers
      • Environmental measurement, in collaboration with computer scientists and geographers using machine learning and satellite imagery
      • Energy policy, in collaboration with nuclear engineering researchers
    Journals which lab people published so far
    Economic Research
    • “The Economic Costs of Trade Sanctions: Evidence from North Korea,” Jihee Kim, Kyoochul Kim, Sangyoon Park, and Chang Sun, Journal of International Economics, November 2023
    • "The Impact of Chinese Shadow Banking Risk on Global Commodity Markets,” Yonghwan Jo, Jihee Kim, and Francisco Santos, Journal of Empirical Finance, March 2022
    • “A Schumpeterian Model of Top Income Inequality,” Charles I. Jones and Jihee Kim Journal of Political Economy, October 2018 **Winner of 2021 Robert E. Lucas Jr. Prize**
    Interdisciplinary - Journal Papers
    • “A Human-machine Collaborative Approach Measures Economic Development with Satellite Imagery” Donghyun Ahn, Jeasurk Yang, Meeyoung Cha*, Hyunjoo Yang*, Jihee Kim*,  Sangyoon Park*, Sungwon Han, Eunji Lee, Susang Lee, Sungwon Park, Nature Communications (* co-corresponding authors, IF=) , October 2023
    • “Assessing Proliferation Uncertainty in Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Under New Power Dynamics of the International Nuclear Trade,” Philseo Kim,Jihee Kim**, Man-Sung Yim Energy Policy (*co-corresponding author, IF=7.576), April 2022
    • “What Influences Public Opinions on Nuclear Energy Before and After Deliberation: South Korea's Deliberation on Closing Nuclear Reactors,” Philseo Kim, Jihee Kim* *, Man-Sung Yim Applied Energy (*co-corresponding author, IF=9.746), July 2020
  • FAER (Financial Accounting and ESG Reporting)
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    Our FAER research group in KAIST study the role of financial accounting in numerous business activities.

    #Financial Acccounting #ESG #AI
    Research Areas
    • ESG as an Accounting information

      We are studying ESG in the financial market. How market participants react to ESG information and their dynamics are our main research interst.

    • Unstructured (Accounting) information in financial market

      We have tons of unstructured data in financial market, such as mandatory annual/quarterly (text) report, corporate earnigs call audio data, and Fed’s regular call video data. we are actively analyzing those data using AI techniques to discover unique pattern which could not be found in the prior research.

    lab 이미지05
  • Q-Marketing Lab
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    #Quantitative Research #Consumer Insights #Market analysis
    Research Areas
    • Research Focus of Q-Marketing Lab

      Q-Marketing Lab specializes in empirical analysis of marketing and business problems. The focus is on using quantitative methods for important marketing questions.

    • Quantitative Methods and Industry Applications

      The lab applies econometrics, statistical methods, and big-data analytics to understand consumer behavior. This research aids businesses in various industries like social media, entertainment, and food.

    • Emerging Market Trends Exploration

      The lab explores the effects of new technologies like artificial intelligence and the metaverse on the market.

    lab 이미지06
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    카이스트 기후 에너지 정책 전략 연구실

    #Climate #Energy #Policy
    Research Areas
    • Integrated assessments of climate and technology policies

      We work to provide decision-makers with rigorous and data-driven insights into the impacts and trade-offs of various policy approaches to climate change and technology innovation

    • Demand-side solutions for energy and climate
    • Sustainable finance and ESG reporting
    lab 이미지07
  • NEXYS Lab.
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    NEXYS Lab focuses on network and complexity economics, providing advanced economic feasibility analyses for diverse business cases and government policies.

    #NetworkEconomics #ComplexSystems
    Research Areas
    • Network & Complexity Economics

      We work to provide decision-makers with rigorous and data-driven insights into the impacts and trade-offs of various policy approaches to climate change and technology innovation

    • Innovation Ecosystem

      Innovation Network Analysis, Endogenous Innovation, Clustering & Spatial Pattern

    • ICT Economics & Policy

      Industral Organization, Platform Business, Regulatory Policy

    lab 이미지08
  • Human Innovation Lab
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    수평적인 분위기와 존중이 있는 연구실이며, 조직행동의 최신 트렌드에 발맞춘 연구 수행으로 탁월한 성과를 창출합니다.

    #Organizational Behavior #Creativity #Ethical Decision Making #Negotiation
    Research Areas
    • Creativity and Innovation

      We investigate the facilitators and inhibitors of creative thinking in organizational settings, striving to uncover the conditions that foster the generation of novel and useful ideas in the workplace.

    • Ethical Decision Making

      Unethical behavior involves actions that violate moral principles, while ethical behavior encompasses actions that benefit others or society. We explore the mechanisms of these behaviors, such as gratitude, and draw implications for specific areas, such as negotiator ethicality, ethical leadership.

    • Cutting-edge Interdisciplinary Research

      We examine the latest trends in organizational behavior and have expanded our scope to interdisciplinary research. We investigate cyberpsychology within the metaverse and explore environmental psychology in terms of how workspace influences affective, cognitive, and mental health aspects in humans.

    lab 이미지09
  • Bisquare Lab
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    We are MIS lab with empirical study, field experiment.

    #Information system #Platform #Secondary data analysis #Field experiments
    Research Areas
    • IS study

      We conducted platform users behavior, policy, cryptocurrency platform, mobile app, financial data…etc

    • Secondary data analysis
    • Field experiment
    lab 이미지10
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    We have various backgrounds and support both theoretical and data-driven research.

    #Microeconomics #Cryptocurrencies #AI
    Research Areas
    • Microeconomics

      We explore the dynamics of individual economic agents and their strategic interactions within markets to optimize outcomes and understand decision-making processes.

    • Blockchain

      We explore various phenomena derived from blockchain, such as blockchain governance issues and the prediction of cryptocurrency price trends based on blockchain data.

    lab 이미지11
  • Technology Innovation (Tinno)
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    We strive to understand latecomer technology catch-up process and upgrading/transition strategies via policy and firm’s innovation analysis.

    #Technology Management #Science and Technology Policy
    Research Areas
    • Science and Technology Policy

      • Schumpeter’s theory, Evolutionary theory, Case study research

    • Technology Management at Firm and National Level

      • Post catch-up products and firms’ development policy
      • Latecomer technology innovation catch-up model by Linsu Kim (1997)
      • Technological and non-technological indicators of industrial upgrading in Korea
      • Transformation and rigidity of R&D policies

    Journals which lab people published so far
    • World Development
    • Technological Forecasting & Social Change
    • IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
    • Scientometrics
    • Industry and Innovation
    • Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
    • Science and Public Policy
    lab 이미지18
  • 정현주교수님 연구실
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    We conduct research on strategic management for technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

    #Strategic Management #Technology #Innovation #Entrepreneurship
    Research Areas
    • Firm innovation strategy

      We explore how firms search and recombine knowledge to generate novel technologies and breakthrough inventions.

    • The origin of innovation and entrepreneurship

      We study scientific research as a primary source of firm innovation, focusing on the impact of institutional intervention on the nature of university research as well as university technology commercialization and extend research on technology-driven entrepreneurship.

    • Institutions for innovation

      We examine the issue of corporate social responsibility of innovating firms from the perspectives of institutional failure and environmental responsibility.

    lab 이미지12
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    Arachne lab aims to explore interwoven web of ICT systems, in order to draft effective directions for digital as well as digital social innovations.

    #IT Management #Digital Business Strategy #Digital Social Innovation #Digital Fabrication
    Research Areas
    • Strategies and behaviors of individuals and organizations on the World Wide Web

      We use theoretical foundations to understand human behavior on the Web and discern the practical implications of new Web technologies

    • Investigating trends and the application of new technologies related to the web

      We provide theoretical foundations for various phenomena on the Web and predict the economic, social, and technological changes on the Web.

    lab 이미지13
  • LAB 504
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    Research of asset pricing in the equity and bond markets.

    #Investment #Asset Pricing
    Research Areas
    • Empirical Analysis of Asset Pricing in the Equity and Bond Market
    • Methodologies such as Kalman filter, EM algorithm, etc.
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    SYNOSIA 연구실에서는 기업재무에 속한 다양한 주제의 연구를 수행합니다.

    #Corporate Finance #ESG #Firm Value
    Research Areas
    • Comprehensive research on determinants of firm value

      We work to figure out the effect of agency problem and various corporate finance issues on firm value and to evaluate/develop corporate financial devices for the best interests of shareholders. We study any topic that affects firm value including M&A, spinoffs, internal capital markets, credit ratings, corporate governance, etc.

    • ESG and corporate finance

      We study the impact of the ESG-related issues on firm value and the market reactions to such issues, examining how the ESG factors have shifted the paradigm. Our research area includes ESG rating, bond, disclosures, reputational risk, etc.

    lab 이미지15
  • Consumer Behavior and Decision Research (CBDR) Lab
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    World-class research, abundant research funding and data, and collaboration with big names! We Are One Team!

    #Marketing #ConsumerBehavior #DecisionMaking
    Research Areas
    • Generative AI and Consumer Decision-Making

      We offer a comprehensive understanding of consumer responses to generative AI and its services/products, using experimental methods.

    • Lay Beliefs about AI for Personnel Selection

      We explore lay beliefs about AI for personnel selection by collaborating with AI companies, carrying out field experiments, and conducting quantitative data analysis.

    • Consumer Interaction with AI Chatbot

      We collect real consumer interaction data with AI chatbots to understand their behaviors and attitudes toward these technologies.

    lab 이미지16
  • Data & AI Systems in Organizations Lab
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    Exploring the creation of smart organizations using AI, studying how experts use data in daily tasks, and developing interactive databases for niche fields like synthetic biology.

    #AI #Data practices #Organization design #Human-computer interaction #Strategic management
    Research Areas
    • Design and management of intelligent organizations

      We draw on ideas and technologies from the AI field to theorize and design intelligent organizations. Our research is interdisciplinary, spanning management and organization theory, AI, database theory, human-computer interaction, and strategic management.

    • Data practices in organizations

      We conduct ethnographic research on how domain experts, as end-users of data science and AI systems, interact with data in their everyday work practices and settings.

    • Design of interactive database management systems

      We construct datasets in specific domains (e.g., synthetic biology) and theorize and design interactive database management systems.

    Journals which lab people published so far
    • Steinberger, T, Jung, J.Y., and So, C., 2023. Towards Actionable Data Science: Domain Experts as End-Users of Data Science System.  Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), pp.1-45.
    • Csaszar, F.A. and Steinberger, T., 2022. Organizations as artificial intelligences: The use of artificial intelligence analogies in organization theory. Academy of Management Annals, 16(1), pp.1-37.
    • Jung, J.Y., Steinberger, T., King, J.L. and Ackerman, M.S., 2022. How domain experts work with data: Situating data science in the practices and settings of craftwork. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 6(CSCW1), pp.1-29.